
Do you know what is JENESYS?

JENESYS stands for Japan East-Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths. This program has been created under the initiative of Mr. Shinzo Abe, a former Prime Minister of Japan announce at the 2nd East Asia Summit(EAS) on 15th of January, 2007. Japan would provide financial assistance amounting to approximately US$315 million for the East-Asia Youth Exchange, inviting approximately 6000 youths/year for 5 years.
The objective of this programme is to form a basis of future vision and construct firm solidarity among Asian Countries through the programme, which will promote mutual understanding of the future generation of ASEAN and East-Asia Summit member countries.
Under this scheme, so far 150 Cambodian high school students have been invited to visit Japan for 10 days which is divided into 3 batchs.


JENESYS, Cambodia 2nd batch

I have worked as a cordinator at Japan International Coorporation Center(JICE) to translate and manage for trip for the youths from Cambodia during their stays in Japan.