CAF at CSAJ December 21th, 2008
Every year in December, there is an election of president for Cambodian Students Association in Japan (CSAJ). In 2008, the election was held on December 21th, 2008 and Mr. Ear Chariya was elected to be the new president of CSAJ committee 2009. On the day, after the election was finished, CSAJ committee has prepared an Cambodian Academic Forum which we invited guest speaker to give speech at the forum on whatever topic regarding Cambodia. This time, we have the honor of Mr. Okubo, the president of Cambodia International Education Support Foundation (CIESF), to be our guest speaker. At CAF, Mr. Okubo has discussed about the education in Cambodia and has also explained of CIESF activities in Cambodia. For those who are interested in Mr. Okubo speech at CAF, please refer to the following site to access to video took during CAF. The speech is available in Japanese with Khmer interpretation.